Desde el equipo encargado de gestionar las Acciones Jean Monnet de la Comisión Europea solicitan dar la máxima difusión a las convocatorias incluidas en la Guía del Programa Erasmus+ 2024 referidas a estas acciones de carácter centralizado.
Entendemos que, además de por el interés que puedan suscitar estas convocatorias, el plazo de presentación es muy próximo (1 de febrero de 2024), y de ahí viene la intención de difundir estas oportunidades a la mayor brevedad posible.
A continuación os pegamos el mensaje recibido por el SEPIE de parte de la Comisión Europea:
The messages below are for onwards circulation relevant members of the teacher education community.
- The first message addresses teacher educators. (first message below)
- The second message addresses teachers. (further message below)
Thanks in advance for forwarding as soon as possible as the deadline is very short (1 Feb. 2024).
Kind regards,
EAC NA Coordination Team
European Commission
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
DG EAC.B4 – Erasmus+ Coordination
On behalf of Jean Monnet Team
Dear Educators of teachers,
A new Erasmus + call has just been published for 2024 which includes the action:
This action aims to facilitate and provide material for teachers to teach about the EU at school (primary, secondary and vocational education).
Click on the above link to find out about the award criteria and the application process. The maximum contribution for this action is 300 000 euros.
Your contribution will help to nurture active and EU savvy citizens of the future.
You may also be interested to have information on Learning EU initiatives – this action addresses individual schools.
We remain at your disposal for any information you may require regarding this action.
Team Jean Monnet
Dear Teachers,
A new Erasmus+ Jean Monnet call for 2024 has just been published and it includes an action specifically for schools/ teachers:
Jean Monnet Learning EU Initiatives
A single school can apply for funding to teach about the EU in the classroom (primary, secondary and VET schools) in all Erasmus+ programme countries.
Click on the above link to find out more details, including links to the application form.
Need some inspiration?
Check out the Learning EU at school booklet featuring testimonials from teachers and pupils (available in all EU languages).
Also, past summaries of Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Training can be found on theFunding & tenders portal. An extract of one such summary from 2023 is:
The project: EUducation Matters, expands the current EU ambassadors concept in our English department to include a further 7 subjects: English, Geography and History, Science, Technology, Economics, Music and Ethics & Values. The inclusion of EU matters into the teaching of these subjects will both benefit the students by giving context to their studies and the European community as a whole by increasing the understanding of the value of democracy and the European project. The project involves the training of additional teachers in European matters, the adaptation of curricula to include European community elements, cross-curricular projects and dissemination to other schools both locally and internationally within Europe.
Get empowered so that you can empower your students and help to nurture active, EU savvy citizens of the future and please feel free to spread the word to anyone you think might be interested.
We remain at your disposal for any information you may require regarding this action.
Team Jean Monnet
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